Am I the only one noticing how Barbie is suddenly in the news a lot more these past few months than it used to be? First with black Barbie, then Louboutin Barbie, and now Burka Barbie. It seems the famous doll can't help to be more famous, but it's mainly because she's changing.

Christian Louboutin's Barbie which has sold out on had her ankles slimmed down in order to fit the shoes and make them seem more appealing. Interestingly, this hasn't caused as much abuse as you might think, perhaps because those who are into fashion and so would buy this Barbie, can appreciate that you need slim ankles to wear Louboutin, rather than protest about it.

So how does this affect Barbie as a business? Mattell Inc must have realised, after 50 years, that their image of beauty is not the same as what others find beautiful, or even fair. Changing the image of Barbie has occurred very slowly over the past fifty years, but suddenly new models are being made, and although some are jokes, others are for religion, it's an alteration to a new beauty. Perhaps being politically correct is the best way forward for dolls, but it's still something to be argued within the fashion industry.
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