The Shame AwardsAmelia Hill of The Guardian has published an article
here on the roll call of celebrities hand picked by the Peta (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) for wearing the most fur. The awards are intended to name and shame celebrities who wear too much animal skin. Catherine Zeta Jones "looks more like a serial killer than a star" according to Dan Mathews, vice-president of Peta. Naomi Campbell, who in the 90s declared she would rather go naked than wear fur, is now the face of furrier Dennis Basso.

The fur trend has really picked up recently from the catwalks and the weather, but faux fur is more common on the high street. I myself own some furs handed down from my great auntie, one of which is a controversial lamb's fur because it comes from an unborn lamb. But I wouldn't wear it because it doesn't fit and no one would believe it's real.

Origin Assured is a newly set up company that makes sure the origins of the fur in a garment are from ethical companies (if you think killing an animal for fur is ethical) but also ones that don't waste the animal. For example in France they have a minx factory that uses the carcass for animal food and the fat for biofuel. Before, fur was sorted through colour, not origin. Now however, with the protests against the forms of culling in places like China, OA has found a way of keeping the PETA off their backs. Read more
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