According to Galliano, the Christian Dior collection has been inspired by Charles James, a designer who founded the New Look of 1947 that at first was difficult to introduce after the second World War.
"I was reading that, actually, it was Charles James who influenced Monsieur Dior to come up with the New Look, and then I was looking at a photo of Charles James doing a fitting—and on the wall behind him was a picture of women riding sidesaddle. And that was it!" - Galliano

So much is expected of Dior that it almost seems as though it's no longer fantastic, due to always being fantastic. The designs now seem to merge together, and while being aesthetically perfect and constructed beautifully, they always are, and so only seem special when compared to other designers. Compared to Dior, all is the same.
The shoes are a beautiful touch, and the vivid colours involved are a new form of sweet, contradicting the feminine pastels that also featured, but construction wise, although seemingly origami with invisible strings, it is similar to the previous collections. Don't get me wrong, I adore it all, it just seemed as though Galliano has conditioned Dior to set the same standard, and appeal to it's usual fans compared to creating new, out of Dior's ordinary looks. Perhaps I have been treated with new changes so often that when a brand does something the same it no longer impresses me. I guess I'm hard to please sometimes.
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