Superdrug is clever, pretty darn clever. They've decided to have a 20% off sale before Christmas. I needed to pick out a new perfume, so went into Superdrug and unfortunately they'd changed the whole set up. You used to be able to swift your way around the fragrances and test them all like you can in Boots and, sometimes, House of Fraser. Instead they are all set behind a desk like cigarettes and alcohol. This is not why Superdrug are clever, as it just makes everything seem unavailable. However, there was one woman who was taken in by the 20% off.
Two fragrances were on sale at the counter. Calvin Klein Escape for women and another equivalent for men.

Now this woman picked up the Calvin Klein Escape for women for one reason alone. It had been reduced from £56.00 to £17.99. She kept sniffing and sniffing it and saying "hmmm, errr, yeah, it's growing on me now." So that was in the bag. She didn't even particularly like the smell, but bought it for the over £36 saving. This wasn't even part of the 20% off deal, it just seemed like they were trying to get rid of it on people like her. Then she picked up the mens. "Ooo, that's strong, pwoar, no way...hang on, it smells nicer now." It was for her son. Then she turned to me and asked me if I liked it. I smelt it (it was God awful) and said to be honest, no. In reality, it would put me off a guy if he were wearing it. "It's not even for me and it's nice," she said, "he likes those sweet smells." The sweet smells smelt more like dirt. "Oh go on then I'll get it, for that price, might as well." I couldn't believe it! She was taking a chance on a fragrance not knowing whether her son would like it or not! All because of the price! It's incredible how women shop; if it's a bargain, they have to have it, whether they'd ordinarily buy it anyway.

Take me for example: I had an email in my inbox telling me that is having free delivery all weekend. Whenever I get an email like this, I go straight to the sale. However, the top I'd bought was £31.50. Granted it was originally £125 and I was saving a bomb, I could have spent that money on probably two tops in H&M that I'd really liked. However, I said to myself, it is Juicy Couture and you need to own something remotely designer. (This after I'd persuaded my parents to buy me a Marc by Marc Jacobs bracelet for my birthday). I still, to this moment, cannot believe I've bought that top. It's supposed to be Christmas and I'm buying for myself! Why can't women turn down such bargains? It's some deep psychological thing that the more we're saving the more we have to have it. It's not a crime that I just spent £32, I saved £93! Surely men don't shop like this?
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